Friday, December 17, 2010


First up, none other than outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Aside from improperly using the word precarious to describe a ledge (something can be precariously sitting on a ledge but the ledge itself cannot be precarious unless it too is in danger of falling), Pelosi's bigger gaffe is her confident assertion that Barack Obama has been a job creator ever since he took office. Incidentally, when Obama took office, unemployment was around 6%. It's now at 10%. Only Socialists, Communists and Marxists could say such a thing with this degree of certainty.

Next up, John Kerry. In this moment of brilliance, the former presidential candidate is apoplectic at the notion that the Senate should read bills before passing them. No, seriously. He's literally angry that such a burden should be placed upon the government.

The best part is when he advocates "working" on the bill instead of "reading" it.

Lastly, Joe Biden's message to Republican Senators who want to have the START Treaty read before it's ratified....

"Get out of the Way." No, seriously.

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h/t to Gateway Pundit, Weasel Zippers, and the Blaze respectively.

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