Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Here we go. The battle between fiscal conservatives and social conservatives is heating up within the largest annual meeting for Conservatives - the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). In a classic case of one step up, two steps back CPAC extended an invitation to GOProud only to see two prominent conservative groups, the Family Research Council (FRC) and Conservative Women of America (CWA), drop out.

Via WND:
"We've been very involved in CPAC for over a decade and have managed a couple of popular sessions. However, we will no longer be involved with CPAC because of the organization's financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principles," said Tom McClusky, senior vice president for FRC Action.

"CWA has decided not to participate in part because of GOProud," CWA President Penny Nance told WND.

FRC and CWA join the American Principles Project, American Values, Capital Research Center, the Center for Military Readiness, Liberty Counsel, and the National Organization for Marriage in withdrawing from CPAC. In November, APP organized a boycott of CPAC over the participation of GOProud.

The American Conservative Union, longtime organizers of CPAC, disclosed just before Christmas that GOProud would be considered a "participating organization," the second highest level of participation. As a "participating organization," GOProud has a voice in planning the conference.

The decision followed two hotly contested CPAC board votes over GOProud. The first vote ended in a tie. The outcome of the second vote has not been officially disclosed, but a source at ACU leaked the decision favoring GOProud to the media.
I seem to remember when Barack Obama and Bill Ayers were targeted for heading up the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) in 2008, the left came back with the argument that CAC's founder - Walter Annenberg - was a conservative. What we're seeing happen at CPAC could perfectly illustrate what could have happened to Annenberg's legacy; it was incrementally tarnished until it was smeared by the likes of Bill Ayers. HERE is an article from The Swamp from August, 2008 on that very subject.

Besides, I'm partial to what Jim DeMint has to say about fiscal vs. social conservatism:
"You can't be a fiscal conservative and not be a social conservative. A large part of the expansive government is to make up for a dysfunctional society because our culture is falling apart; the family is falling apart."- Jim DeMint, November 2010.
The Blaze has more on the CPAC controversy as well as this video of Ryan Sorba at CPAC last year, in which he condemned the conference for inviting GOProud.

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