Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Let's take a look at two people. The first is a woman named Erika Gandara and the second is New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. Gandara was the last remaining police officer in a northern Mexico town called Ciudad Juarez because other qualified individuals were either dead or scared off by the drug cartels. She fought alone to the very end when her house was set ablaze and ten thugs kidnapped her. Based on what happened to a police chief in a nearby town who suffered a similar fate, Gandara's chances for survival are slim.

Via New York Daily News:
The abduction came barely a month after the female police chief of another city was executed by drug cartel thugs.

In the latest atrocity, a gang of 10 descended on Erika Gandara's home in Guadalupe, set the house and two cars on fire, and ran off with her, witnesses said.
Now let's take a look at the cowardly mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg who has not only been sucking up to the Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf but he has now reduced himself to speaking Spanish at a press conference for his "Spanish-speaking audience" about the recent snow storm.

CLICK HERE for the video.


h/t to Weasel Zippers

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