Tuesday, December 21, 2010


As if any of us needed another reason to question the competence of Janet Napolitano in the war against Islamic terror, she delivers one almost a year after telling Americans 'the system worked' when the Christmas Day bomber's underwear failed to explode as his plane descended into Detroit. In this exchange, Dianne Sawyer asks Napolitano to give Americans assurance that her Department will keep them safe during this season of heavy travel.

Her response? Freudian slip or not, assuring viewers that DHS is working hard 24/7, 364 days a year only helps to further the perception that it's ill-equipped to deal with the threats our nation faces. The worst part? She didn't even tell us which day her department is going to take a snooze so we could prepare. My follow-up question would be to ask her if travelers would get the added benefit of not having their junk touched on that day as well. I mean, it's the least the DHS can do, right?

My inclination would be to give the head of the DHS a pass for making such a mistake but Napolitano has already proven to be far too incompetent to hold the position.

Via MediaIte:

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