Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Anyone who thinks Van Jones was relegated to insignificance when he resigned from the Obama administration as the Green Jobs czar in September of 2009 is sadly mistaken. As a fellow with the Center for American Progress (CAP), he's speaking for the Soros-funded organization that is driving White House policy. Here he is on November 4th bemoaning the failure of Cap and Trade last year. Not only that but he's encouraging his audience to go to the EPA and admit that putting a cap on carbon emissions is a game of make believe but to enforce it anyway.

We are witnessing an administration - with the help of CAP - that is bound and determined to ignore the 112th Congress by using agencies that report to the Executive Branch (EPA, FCC, etc.) to do its will. Van Jones has been saying quite a bit lately and that should be ringing alarm bells.

Via The Blaze:

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