Tuesday, December 14, 2010


First a caveat. This fight is long from over but, make no mistake; it is a victory for those who oppose Obamacare. Federal Judge Henry Hudson ruled yesterday that the Individual Mandate provision in the Obamacare law is Unconstitutional in the lawsuit filed by Virginia Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli (R). This is a huge victory because it portends a much greater likelihood that this fight will end up in the Supreme Court.

While on Greta Van Susteren, Cuccinelli explains why it's such a big deal when only one aspect of the Law (the mandate) was struck down; it has to do with the funding. The authors of the bill knew it would be dead in the water if they advocated for additional taxes to fund this monstrosity so they added a requirement that everyone must purchase health insurance.

Cuccinelli explains it just right. The Individual mandate is the pole in the center of the tent. Without that, Obamacare fails. If the Supreme Court strikes down that mandate, the law is useless and is doomed to fail with the 112th Congress.

Video via Gateway Pundit:

More at Fox News.

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