Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Alinsky-ite Chris Matthews learned the art of ridicule from uncle Saul but I don't think he'll find an appropriate way of responding to Cavuto's righteous slam of him in the Rules for Radicals handbook. Last week, Chris Matthews went after New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, not on policy but on his weight. The MSNBC socialist attacked Christie for being too heavy. On Monday, December 13th, Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto went after Matthews and called him a racist; he didn't use that word exactly but he DID say that attacking someone's weight is akin to 'Racism with a scale.'

I think we can infer that based on that definition, Cavuto thinks Matthews is a racist. This is a thorough smack down of Leg Tingles.

Via Fox News:

If you haven't heard the Matthews comments Cavuto references, check them out. Remember, Matthews is supposed to represent the "tolerant" left. This is obscene and it's disgraceful. Cavuto went easy on him.

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