Friday, December 24, 2010


While speaking at the Network of Spiritual Progressives Conference in June, 2010 Keith Ellison openly wished that U.S. borders would become an 'irrelevancy' but now we're learning more about what went on at this conference, courtesy of Aaron Klein. Ellison's rhetoric didn't end there. He clearly demonstrated what can only be described as disgust for this country. Why would such a person want to be an elected official? Apparently, also in attendance were some Marxists. Among them was Michael Lerner, who edits Tikkun Magazine which is pro-Palestinian and Cornell West, an avowed Marxist.

At WND, Klein links to an article written by Marta Mossburg at the Baltimore Sun, who gave an account of the conference back in July:
Mossburg wrote that Lerner used the conference to bolster support for Obama.

"We're here to support Obama. …We're here to help him to be the Obama Americans thought they elected," she quoted Lerner as saying.

Lerner said Obama attended Tikkun meetings in Chicago and used to read the magazine, according to conversations he had with Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign.
It would make sense that Lerner's world view aligns with that of Obama. Lerner used to be an activist in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the same group that birthed the Weather Underground. Mossburg also reported that Lerner compared the Tea Party to Hitler at least five times.

CLICK HERE for the video of Ellison at this conference in which he talks about U.S. borders becoming an 'irrelevancy.'

Read it all.

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