Tuesday, December 7, 2010


While appearing on MSNBC's Ed Schultz show, Al Sharpton provides the quintessential example of the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives want liberals to keep talking - allow the free market to determine winners and losers. Liberals can't win in that arena because they're liars so their strategy is to silence the other side. That is exactly what Sharpton is calling for the FCC to do with Rush Limbaugh.

Sharpton's argument - if you can call it that - is to get the FCC to protect the pubic from the offensive speech of Limbaugh. The irony here is that it was just yesterday that we learned one FCC Commissioner (Mignon Clyburn), indignantly referred to little girls as "nappy headed."

I also enjoyed Sharpton's line of distinction between first amendment protected speech and unprotected speech. The difference between the two is that unprotected speech is "over the top." Uh, Al, can you show us that part of the First Amendment? Assuming our founding fathers had that phrase in their lexicon, they probably would have included it with all CAPS, bold font, and underlined as precisely the kind of speech they wanted to protect.

Notice too that Schultz leads the segment by calling Limbaugh's speech racist and hateful. Compared to the things Schultz has said in the past, Rush's speech is the equivalent of elevator music. Schultz is obviously supportive of the position. I find that ironic in light of his response to Jay Rockefeller's contention not too long ago that Fox News and MSNBC - Schultz's own network - should be shut down.

What Schultz obviously doesn't get is that if conservative talk radio and Fox News were ever shut down, those behind it will have no further use for the likes of Ed Schultz.

Hey Ed, see if you can finish this sentence: "First they came for the......"

Via The Blaze:

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