Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Start looking for the Pigford case to get increased attention courtesy of the Documentary that was produced by Lee Stranahan in conjunction with Andrew Breitbart. Here we have another two minute clip that exposes another layer of the fraud. Here, a man named Tom Burrell, head of the Black Farmer Agricultural Association, Inc. explains the difference between Farmer 'A' and Farmer 'B' with the former representing black farmers who had conducted work with the USDA that was backed up with documentation and the latter simply being black farmers who 'attempted to farm' and didn't necessarily have any proof.

The claim made by Burrell is made all the more egregious if his math is correct; there's no reason to believe it is. Burrell claims that 8 out of 9 black farmers who were awarded $50,000 each, consisted of the 'attempted to farm' group.

Via Big Government:

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