Friday, January 14, 2011

AUDIO: Frances Fox Piven Targeting Seniors

She's baaaack, the female half of Cloward-Piven. Another audio recording of a woman who in 1966 advocated overwhelming the system by flooding the welfare rolls. Now she's calling Tea Party voters 'backward-looking' and is attributing the rise of the movement to older voters who are uncomfortable with change and are protesting because they can't adjust. She also makes the racist claim that the Tea Party is all white.

Among the other nonsensical things she said were that older voters are simply mad that there is a black man in the White House. Lost on Piven is that many of those seniors actually voted for Obama. Then again, why quibble over facts?

If the left was truly interested in finding people who are calling for insurrection, they'd take a look at Piven.

Via The Blaze:

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