Friday, January 14, 2011

Maine Governor to NAACP: 'Kiss My Butt'

How would you like some red meat with that Tea? Coming right up. His name is Gov. Paul LePage and after being asked by a reporter for his response to the NAACP's claims that his being unavailable to attend ceremonies honoring Martin Luther King Jr., is problematic responded with, 'Tell them to kiss my butt.' Immediately after that, he began laughing and pointed to his handler as being uncomfortable? My question to that handler is why? I'm sure the vast majority of calls into the Governor's office in response to his comments will be positive.

Ask yourselves. How many Americans would love to tell the NAACP to kiss their butt? Can you tell my hand is raised? Better question might involve how long it will take before we start hearing LePage for President.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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