Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jim DeMint Boycotting CPAC - Is Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating GOP?

Two mildly related stories involving CPAC's loss of conservative figures and groups. CPAC is having quite a few problems this year, with groups boycotting over GOProud's participation and others over the prominence of a Muslim with questionable ties, Suhail Khan. On top of that, the head the group behind CPAC - the American Conservative Union (ACU) - had been mired in a messy financial scandal. The statement from DeMint's office is somewhat vague about his reasons for deciding not to attend but in light of his adherence to socially conservative principles, it's likely the GOProud issue.

"With leading conservatives organizations not participating this year, Senator DeMint will not be attending. He hopes to attend a unified CPAC next year," DeMint spokesman Wesley Denton said in an email.
The larger issue very well could be the alleged infiltration of the Republican Party by the Muslim Brotherhood. While appearing on CNN's Anderson 360, Frank Gaffney debated Suhail Khan, a Muslim on the Board of CPAC. Video speaks for itself.

Via TPM:

1 comment:

  1. You might want to include the following videos

    Suhail Khan praises terrorists at 1999 ISNA conference
