Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tea Party to Hold a 'Dump Dupnik' Rally in Effort to Recall Whack Job Sheriff

Not sure how much real impact this is going to have beyond demonstrating how effective Tea Party muscle can be, if some reports that Clarence Dupnik has indicated he wouldn't run for election again anyway, are true. Then again, in addition to Sarah Palin being the victim of blood libel and baseless accusations relative to the shootings, so has the Tea Party so I don't fault them in this effort to recall the Pima County Sheriff. Besides the blood libel angle, Dupnik seems to have tampered with the investigation by popping off about Loughner's motivations.

Via the Washington Times:
Conservatives have bristled at Sheriff Dupnik's insinuation that Republicans and the tea party movement were somehow responsible for the rampage. The Pima County Tea Party Patriots plan to "indict" the sheriff at their rally for "politicizing the shootings, blaming free speech for the crime without evidence, failing to protect Giffords, failing to recuse himself from the investigation, and embarrassing the community in front of the nation," according to the Arizona Daily Star.
As for the recall effort, it will be a test of Tea Party resolve as over 90,000 signatures in 120 days, which is just under 800 signatures a day.
The group needs to gather 90,809 valid signatures within 120 days to qualify the recall for the ballot. The recall would require a special election, which could be held at the earliest in March 2012, said Pima County Elections Director Brad Nelson.

That's a lot of signatures in a county with 485,629 registered voters. In order to oust Sheriff Dupnik, recall organizers would also have to make sure another candidate runs against him, and so far the sheriff is batting 1.000 against Republican challengers.
As time goes by, the only person Dupnik's words seemed to benefit were Obama, who called to thank him.

h/t via The Blaze

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