Monday, January 31, 2011

Registered Socialist Congressman not Intimidating Darrell Issa

New House Oversight Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) was perpetually stonewalled when he was the ranking member, by the previous chairman, Edolphus Towns, whenever he attempted to launch investigations into the Obama administration. Towns is out and registered member of the Democratic Socialist caucus, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is in. Last week, Cummings tried that old Alinsky tactic known as ridicule to intimidate Issa into not following through with his pledge to use that subpoena power.

Indications are that it's not working.

Via Daily Caller:
The latest dust up between top GOP oversight official California Rep. Darrell Issa and his combative new foil on the oversight panel, Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, has Cummings attacking Issa for the breadth of a new inquiry into how the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is working across a slew of federal agencies.

“I cannot even begin to imagine how much paper, how much work, and how much overtime this is going to cost the Federal Government,” said Cummings spokesman Paul Kincaid last week in an e-mail.

But Issa’s communications director, Frederick Hill, was nonplussed. Asked how Issa is assessing his relationship with Cummings, the newly appointed top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, Hill said “I think the short and long is, we’re really not.”

In the last Congress what top committee Democrat Rep. Edolphus Towns of New York, then-committee chairman, did “really mattered,” Hill said, “sometimes you would get to the point where the only way you could advance that is with a subpoena or if you got the chairman to join you on a letter.”
Issa is apparently wanting the White House to cough up any and all documents relating to multiple Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests. If he continues to move forward without regard for the smear tactics, Issa is likely to uncover some extremely troubling things about this administration.

Oh, and yes, Cummings is indeed registered with the Socialist Caucus.

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