Monday, January 31, 2011

Video: Chicago Mayoral Candidate calls Opponent 'Crack' Addict inside Jeremiah Wright's old Church

If we accept the premise that Rahm Emanuel is the front-runner in the race for Chicago's next mayor, the candidate right behind him is Carol Mosely Braun. Behind Braun is a woman named Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins. At a candidate's forum that took place inside the now infamous church made so by the fiery sermons of Jeremiah Wright, Braun indignantly accused Pelt-Watkins of being 'strung out on crack' for the last twenty years. It was truly surreal to watch all of this transpire inside a church - Barack Obama's church for 20 years.

Why on earth, would a heated political debate take place inside a house of worship?

Another blemish on the Trinity United Church.

Carol Moseley Braun Calls Patricia Van-Pelt Watkins Crack Addict at Candidate Forum:

h/t via HapBlog


  1. Mr. Barrack's reference to the mayoral candidates' forum held at Trinity United Church of Christ yesterday as "another blemish" on the church was misinformed and incendiary.

    With more than 7,000 members on its rolls, Trinity is a village unto itself and a source of vital information for the community.
    Trinty, has for decades, held political forums at the church to help its members and the greater community make informed decisions as voters.

    To hold the church, organizers of the forum, or even the moderator, responsible for the behavior of the candidates is another misguided and lame attempt to cast the church in a negative light. Thank goodness most of us are smart enough to stay focused on what's important: being informed voters and disciplined Christians.

  2. Yo Rox, I think you are missing Mr. Barrack's point. Aside from the fact that a "church" is being used to house a debate is ludicrous. Only a misguided pastor would allow such a thing to happen. But my guess, is that the church was given some money to sponsor the event. But Mr. Barrack's first point was the notion that someone used the phrase "crack addict" towards their opponent inside this church. Comment on that if you will Roxy.
