Friday, January 14, 2011

Surprise! Congressional Black Caucus Involved in Pigford Scandal

Lee Stranahan has a new post regarding Pigford over at Breitbart's Big Government. To refresh your memories, the Pigford settlement stemmed from a lawsuit in which black farmers claimed they were discriminated against. The good news is that there were black farmers that rightfully deserved - and received - $50,000 each as compensation. The bad news is that the lawsuit morphed into a huge fraudulent scandal.

Here are two black farmers who rightfully received their settlement. The first is Willie Head, who makes an excellent point when asked how non-farmers who received $50,000 affects his receipt of $50,000.

Here's another black farmer who deserved his settlement. His name is Eddie Slaughter and he implicates the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in the commission of this fraud in order to pay reparations.

Shocking stuff.

Via Big Government

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