Sunday, January 16, 2011

Texas State Rep. Tackles Sharia Law with Resolution

The battle for the Speaker of the Texas State House made national headlines for months before the ultimate vote returned moderate Joe Straus to the post, which angered many Tea Party conservatives who wanted their Representatives to vote for Ken Paxton. One of the consequences for many of the Reps that voted for Straus will be strong primaries. One of the things that will prevent many of them from being sent packing in 2012 will be the degree to which Straus carries the conservative mantra, which is what makes this Resolution from Rep. Leo Berman (R-Tyler) a very interesting play.

Berman is calling for a ban on Sharia Law in his state.

Via Canary In the Coal Mine:
Mimicking proposed legislation in several other states, Rep. Leo Berman (R-Tyler) suggested a constitutional amendment prohibiting Texas courts from enforcing, considering or applying religious or cultural law. Though the joint resolution itself does not specify ‘Sharia Law’ – the practices governing Muslim life, including family, work and religion – it falls under the umbrella of banned rules.

“A lot of federal courts are referring to international courts and laws of other countries. We want to make sure our courts are not doing this, especially in regards to cultural laws,” Berman said. “If that includes Sharia law, then so be it.”

Ibrahim Hooper, of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a D.C.-based civil rights advocacy group, says the resolution and similar legislation being proposed in Indiana are violations of First Amendment rights and are essentially hypocritical.

“Based on the proposal, he obviously must be against the Ten Commandments,” Hooper half-joked.
Of course, Hooper's argument is pathetic since Islam is a religion and a state. The banning of Sharia Law has noting to do with the First Amendment and everything to do with Article IV, which says the U.S. Constitution will be the 'Supreme Law of the Land.' Sharia cannot be permitted by our own Constitution.

This will be a huge test for Straus and all of the Republicans who voted for him.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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