Sunday, January 16, 2011

Videos: Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested for Threats to Tea Party Leader

His name is J. Eric Fuller and he was one of the victims of Jared Loughner's shooting rampage last week at a Tucson Safeway store. Exactly one week later, he was at a town hall meeting in Tucson hosted by ABC News' Christiane Amanpour. Also in attendance was Arizona State Rep. Terri Proud and a Tucson-based Tea Party leader Trent Humprhies. Toward the end of the town hall, Fuller took exception to what the other two had said and shouted, 'You're dead,' to Humphries shortly after taking his picture.

Unlike Loughner, whose motives for the shooting don't appear to be political, Fuller's likely are. What other reason could there be for a man to target a Tea Party leader after being shot by a crazed lunatic? The irony here is that as the left wing pundits point to the Tea Party for whipping up hatred, the evidence - particularly over the past week - is that such claims may be attributable to them.

Here's video of Fuller being arrested after making the threat to Humphries:

Amazingly, after the town hall, Amanpour was interviewed and was not even asked about the incident. In wrapping up the report, the reporter did mention the incident but did not say anything about it being levied at a Tea Party leader. Nor did he say what the threat was, just that Fuller 'mumbled what appeared to be a threat.'


More at The Blaze

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