Thursday, February 3, 2011

Appeasement on Steroids: 'Chrislam'

If ever there was a clearer example of the application of Winston Churchill's metaphor that appeasers are like those who feed crocodiles hoping to be eaten last, it's the 'Coexisties' who believe in 'Chrislam.' Chrislam is the appeasement of Islam on the part of alleged Christians in the name of inclusion.

Now we have some protestant whack jobs placing Qur'ans in their 'churches' next to their Bibles.

Via One News Now:
According to a recent blog post from The Last Crusade, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston, along with other congregations in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit, preached sermons and held Sunday school lessons on the founder of Islam, Mohammad, whom Muslims consider a prophet. Qurans were also placed in the pews next to Bibles.

Proponents of the movement, which has been dubbed "Chrislam," claim that Christians cannot love their neighbors without having a relationship with them.
Lost on these cowards is that the equivalent from the other side would be allowing Bibles to be placed alongside Qur'ans in Mosques.

h/t to Weasel Zippers for exposing this latest round of crocodile feeders.

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