Thursday, February 3, 2011

National Version of Arizona Immigration Bill Coming?

What would happen if a Bill made it to Barack Obama's desk that granted state troopers and local police national authority to enforce our federal immigration laws? He would no doubt veto it since he's suing Arizona over their attempt to do so in their state but it would expose him in the same way his veto of any Obamacare repeal bill would.

Via the Daily Caller:
Rep. Ed Royce, California Republican, is planning to introduce a national-level version of contentious Arizona state Senate Bill 1070, The Daily Caller has learned. Royce, who chairs the Foreign Affairs Committee’s Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade subcommittee, told TheDC his legislation would give state-level cops and local law enforcement nationwide the authority to enforce federal immigration laws.

Royce is planning to introduce the new legislation soon and said, in addition to giving state and local law enforcement more authority, it “establishes operational control of the border” by sending more fencing to the border and keeping the secretaries of Interior and Agriculture from over-regulating how Border Patrol officials put together fences and work on federal lands.

“All the Border Patrol agents are swearing by it [building a fence and keeping the regulatory powers of the secretaries of Interior and Agriculture at a minimum],” Royce said. “So, that’s part of establishing operational control.”
Speaking of vetoes, Obamacare could conceivably go down in the Supreme Court without the need for one. As SB 1070 wallows in the courts, it may also one day be vindicated by the SCOTUS; if this Bill in California is vetoed by Obama and SB 1070 is ruled Constitutional, other states could follow suit. In light of the recent tsunami that transpired in state legislatures, odds are good.

Read it all.

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