Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Obama Lies About His Involvement in Wisconsin Protests

This is unbelievably ridiculous but it's happening anyway. The Obama Administration is actually denying involvement in the protests that have been taking place in Wisconsin despite Organizing For America (OFA), a Barack Obama entity, having fingerprints all over the protests. Blog posts, tweets, and emails all show that OFA has been coordinating protesters far and wide. Yet, Obama is apparently claiming he had nothing to do with it.

Via New York Times:
Over the weekend, the White House and Democratic Party officials pushed back against criticism from Republicans that Mr. Obama and his political network were meddling in the Wisconsin dispute.

Administration officials said Sunday that the White House had done nothing to encourage the demonstrations in Wisconsin — nor was it doing so in Ohio, Florida and other states where new Republican governors are trying to make deep cuts to balance their budgets.

And, officials and union leaders said, reports of the involvement of the Democratic National Committee — specifically Organizing for America, the grass-roots network born of Mr. Obama’s 2008 campaign — were overblown to start with and were being inflated by Republicans sensing political advantage.

“This is a Wisconsin story, not a Washington one,” said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director. “False claims of White House involvement are attempts to distract from the organic grass-roots opposition that is happening in Wisconsin.”
First off, there is a difference between flat-out denial and claims that the charges were 'overblown.' If the White House wants to communicate that it had nothing to do with organizing these protests, why not say that? Instead, they said such reports are 'overblown.' That would seem to indicate some level of involvement. Second, while Team Obama is claiming it had nothing to do with the protests while saying such charges are 'overblown,' conspicuously absent is a list of things it attempted to do to stop them.

h/t Gateway Pundit and Doug Ross.

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