Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Video: Chris 'Leg Tingles' Matthews Smacked Down By Wisconsin State Senator

During an interview with Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman (R), Matthews attempts to paint the Senator as a hypocrite right off the bat with a false premise. Grothman's response is priceless: 'Once again, you're completely uninformed.' He then proceeds to completely dismantle that premise, which was that the Republicans are exempting police and fire departments because those unions supported Republican governor Scott Walker. After Gtothman informs Tingles that the vast majority of police and fire unions supported Walker's Democrat opponent, Matthews attempts to re-phrase his question and fails miserably.

Once again, the left accuses its opponents of what they themselves are guilty of. It is the Democrat establishment that is unabashedly beholden to the unions, including Obama's own group 'Organizing for America' (OFA).

Via NewsBusters

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