Sunday, February 13, 2011

Video: Bill Maher Makes it OK to Call Obama a Muslim

Before getting to the meaty part of an exchange that includes Bill Maher, MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell, Matthew Perry, and Marxist Cornell West, there is another takeaway. When someone in the media refers to Barack Obama as a 'centrist' as O'Donnell does, it's proof of media bias. Period. Now, onto the part when Bill Maher says he doesn't believe Obama is a Christian. Instead, he believes him to be a 'secular humanist.' Cornell West objects but it may be for the same reason I find Maher's statement so interesting.

Obama is a Muslim according to Islamic Law; he was born Muslim because it was the religion of his father, unless his actual father is someone like say, Frank Marshall Davis. Since Davis was a communist, such a scenario would give Maher's contention a bit more credibility.

Anyway, if Maher can believe Obama is not a Christian, why can't Christians believe he is a Muslim?

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