Monday, February 14, 2011

John McCain Lying to American People

I'm tired of giving these politicians the benefit of the doubt concerning whether or not they know the truth. John McCain has been inside the beltway for decades so to assume he doesn't know he's lying here is simply too much of a stretch to even warrant the slightest of consideration. In saying that the Egyptian protests are a repudiation of al Qaeda is a lie; it is a lie. Let me say it again. It is a lie. Go figure; John McCain was the most prominent Republican to repudiate Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) when the latter spoke the truth during a joint session of congress when he yelled, 'You Lie' to Barack Obama.

Now this?

Via CBS:
The Arizona Republican called the Egyptian revolution a "repudiation of al Qaeda," and praised the peaceful nature of the protests demanding Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.

"The Egyptians helped us in the fight against al Qaeda," he said. "This revolution is a direct repudiation of al Qaeda, who believe that the only way you bring about change is through violence."
Senator McCain, al Qaeda IS the Muslim Brotherhood. It is ludicrous for him to allude to the Egyptians helping us in the fight against al-Qaeda when the government that supported us in that fight was led by Mubarak. Conservatives should reflect on whether they'd be better off if McCain had lost his election to the Democrat opponent.

However, McCain did make a point worth noting as events unfold. Right now, countries like Russia and China are going to need to step back and not look so hostilely at the United States; they may need our help at some point.
Arizona Sen. John McCain predicted on Sunday that the recent governmental overthrow in Egypt would likely spur similar movements throughout the world, and warned foreign leaders in countries like China and Russia that they might be "a little less secure" of their power in light of recent events.

"I don't think this is confined to the Middle East, just as we believe that human rights are universal," said McCain, in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation."

"These winds of change that are blowing, I think I would be a little less cocky in the Kremlin with my KGB cronies today if I were [Russian Prime Minister] Vladimir Putin," he warned. "I would be a little less secure in the seaside resort that [Chinese] President Hu and a few men who govern and decide the fate of 1.3 billion people."
Of course, McCain's never had his words come back and bite him more than these; the bite is seemingly deeper with each passing day.

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