Saturday, February 26, 2011

Video: Joe Scarborough Channels Neville Chamberlain

I've been critical of Glenn Beck on many occasions but since the rise of protests in Egypt, he has been reporting the truth far more than anyone else with a significant audience. The truth is that the Muslim Brotherhood poses a grave threat to western civilization; leftwing groups will work alongside alleged Democratic uprisings in the arab world. The arab Muslim world has proven time and again that it will use leftwing agents to acquire power. Google, a far left organization, helped Wael Ghonim spearhead the revolution in Egypt, which has now all but fallen into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Meanwhile, Joe Scarborough over at MSNBC, once again demonstrates that he is unable to process ugly facts. Lines are being drawn again. Not so long ago, it was a line that divided conservatives and liberals. It is now a line that divides those willing to accept a dire reality and those who are not. Unfortunately, there is a significant bloc of supposed conservatives that has chosen the latter camp.

Scarborough is officially one of them.

Via The Blaze:

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As early as 1933, Winston Churchill warned of the German threat. After Neville Chamberlain implemented a strategy of appeasement often borne of denial, he was disgraced and Churchill was installed as Prime Minister by King George VI on May 10, 1940 after Chamberlain's resignation. Like Chamberlain, Scarborough either doesn't understand or refuses to admit the stated goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, which ironically allied with Hitler in WWII.

That British moment that will forever live in infamy.

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