Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wikileaks Cables Show Partnership between Iran and Muslim Brotherhood

Why would Iran align with the Muslim Brotherhood? If one accepts the premise that the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to reestablish the Ottoman Empire, which was centered in what is today Turkey, it's not that far of a leap to see why the Brotherhood and Iran are working together. Turkey and Iran have been working together more closely of late as well - ever since the government in Turkey began its turn toward being more Islamist with the 2002 elections.

Via Brian Fairchild at Pajamas Media:
The Obama administration believes that the Muslim Brotherhood is an acceptable player in forming a new government in Egypt despite the fact that about a dozen very public quotes from the former and current leaders of the Brotherhood, which I provided in a Pajamas Media article last week, reveal the Brotherhood’s Salafi-jihadi worldview and support for Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

These quotes are readily available to anyone who wants to take the time to look for them, but the Obama team’s acceptance of the Brotherhood is all the more mystifying due to the fact that the government’s own classified State Department cables document that Iran, our arch-enemy in the region, has been clandestinely supporting it as a proxy in Egypt.
Here is a quote from Omar Soliman, at the time head of Egypt's Intelligence Service, to General Petraeus:
“Egypt suffers from Iranian interference through its Hezbollah and Hamas proxies, and its support for…the Muslim Brotherhood….We hope Iran will stop supporting Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and other cells.”
As has been stated many times on this blog, Hamas IS the Muslim Brotherhood. This sentiment is echoed by Fairchild as well:
It should be noted here that Hamas, listed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the U.S. government, is not an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is simply a violent chapter of the organization as proven by Article 2 of its own charter which states:

“The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine.”

The Hamas charter and Iran’s use of the Brotherhood in Egypt as a proxy prove that it is a violent organization and that Iran is using it to destabilize Egypt. Given Iran’s operational style, it is only prudent to believe that our Middle Eastern nemesis is also providing clandestine support to Brotherhood chapters in Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, and elsewhere. Supplied with this information, it is difficult to grasp how President Obama thinks that the Brotherhood’s participation in forming a new Egyptian government is a good idea.
Again, start with Turkey when in 2002, Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdoğan became Prime Minister and Abdullah Gul President. If the Islamist AKP party is sympathetic to the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood and if the relationship between Turkey and Iran has strengthened, why wouldn't the relationship between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood be stronger as well?

Read it all.

Not to belabor the point but Walid Shoebat has been talking about the Muslim Brotherhood's goals relative to Turkey for years.

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