Monday, February 14, 2011

Video: Pamela Geller Calls out Muslim Brotherhood Infiltraitors at CPAC

In the run-up to CPAC, various groups and individuals boycotted the largest Conservative political conference for its allowing GOProud to attend. Others stayed away because of the reports that a man with Muslim Brotherhood ties - Suhail Khan - was on the Board of Directors. I must admit, my inclination was to adopt that view as well, mainly because I didn't think people who opposed Khan - along with the guy who helped put him in the position, Grover Norquist - wouldn't call them out at the event.

Boy, was I wrong. David Horowitz named names as did Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs. Geller took it a step further and explained why it is important for those who know the truth to show up at CPAC and take it back rather than stay away and let it go to the wolves.

Via The Blaze:

Go HERE to watch Suhail Khan deny the Muslim Brotherhood exists in the United States and then watch Horowitz call out both Khan and Norquist during his speech.


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