Thursday, February 17, 2011

Video: Teachers Union Mouthpiece gets Smacked Down

This is an awesome exchange between Fox's Stuart Varney and Robert Craig, executive director for Citizen Action of Wisconsin. Craig defends teachers in that state who effectively called off sick en masse to protest the budget of Governor Scott Walker who, like Chris Christie in New Jersey, is making the hard decisions voters elected him to make. What's most fascinating is the incoherence of Craig's arguments.

Varney nails him right out of the gate by pointing to the fact that the teachers are setting a horrendous example to students by lying about being sick. Craig denies that's what happened despite the facts. Remember, in a socialist's mind, the ends justify the means and that's exactly the type of thinking Varney exposes here.

The line of the exchange comes from Varney after Craig denies facts played out in a video clip of students protesting but admitting to having no clue about why.

"Good God, man."

h/t The Blaze

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