Friday, February 18, 2011

Disturbing Photo Involving NYU Fellow Who Resigned over Comments about CBS Reporter

In the wake of the terrible news that CBS reporter Lara Logan had been raped after being surrounded by hundreds of Egyptian protesters, Nir Rosen made some extremely insensitive tweets about it. In addition to being a fellow with New York University (NYU), Rosen has also written for the Washington Post. His tweets were so bad that his resignation from NYU was almost immediate. Now there is another aspect to this story that leads to more questions.

On Rosen's facebook page is a picture of his young son donning a t-shirt with a Hezbollah logo on it.

Via the Daily Caller:
It’s been a rough patch for Nir Rosen after some ill-advised remarks posted on Twitter got him in trouble earlier this week pertaining to his response to the news that CBS correspondent Lara Logan had been sexually assaulted and beaten while she was reporting on Egypt’s unrest...

...apparently his social media indiscretions aren’t relegated to just Twitter. An image added to his Facebook page dated Dec. 29, 2009 in the “profile photos” section of his profile, shows a little boy who is apparently his son wearing a yellow T-shirt with the Hezbollah logo.

Hezbollah has been on the U.S. State Department’s list of terrorist organizations since the 1980s.
So what is Rosen's relationship with Hezbollah? Is there one? If there is one, how did he become a fellow at NYU? For those who scoff at the notion that the left and Islam are natural allies, here is yet another in a long line of examples. Those who scoff should do so while looking in the mirror.

For more about Rosen's initial comments, click HERE.

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