Friday, February 18, 2011

Wisconsin Democrats Flee State to Avoid Vote

There are several angles to this story but at its root is Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) and his attempt to follow Chris Christie's lead in New Jersey as well as the Tea Party mandate that got him elected. The state is broke. Period. There is bill that has the votes necessary to pass; it would take away collective bargaining from the Teachers Unions. The only thing they could negotiate is salary, not pensions or benefits.

This has caused teachers to call in sick and march on the Capitol in Madison. They have also brought their students with them in a clear attempt to exploit children. Obama's Organizing for America (OFA) is also behind the protests.

In addition to that, Democrat lawmakers have fled the state to avoid bringing the bill to a vote. Their first stop was a hotel in Rockford, IL but since being discovered there, they have fled elsewhere. Here is a news report from WTMJ.

These kind of antics are not unprecedented in state politics and they always seem to be used by Democrats exclusively. In 2003, Texas Democrats fled to Oklahoma.

Here's the story from CNN via the Blaze.

More HERE.

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