Friday, April 29, 2011

Gauntlet! NRA's LaPierre to call for Holder to Resign over Project Gunrunner

This Project Gunrunner truly is a scandal of epic proportions just ready to explode. The ATF Director is blowing off subpoena deadlines; a top official inside the ATF is talking to Senator Chuck Grassley with an attorney present; Congressional investigators are now on the ground in Arizona to dig deep; The ATF has already been caught in a lie courtesy of emails and whistle blowers; a Border Patrol agent's death is tied to weapons the ATF let 'walk' into Mexico; The Department of Justice is stonewalling; now NRA President Wayne LaPierre is calling for Holder to resign.

Via CBS News:
Sources tell CBS News that NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is expected to call for Holder's resignation in a speech Saturday morning at the Association's annual meeting in Pittsburgh.

NRA reacts to CBS News investigation on ATF "gunwalking"

LaPierre has accused Holder of trying to "destroy the Second Amendment" and has been critical of the Department of Justice handling of "Project Gunrunner," a program intended to stop the flow of weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

But as CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reported last month, ATF agents charge the program actually helped get thousands of guns into the hands of criminals.

"When does it stop being law enforcement and start being a criminal enterprise? Innocent people are dying. It makes no sense at all." LaPierre told CBS News last month.
Here is LaPierre talking to CBS about the scandal.

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