Friday, April 29, 2011

Video: Man Arrested for Preaching at DMV

The title of this post doesn't do the video justice. It really is shocking to watch. Leaders of Calvary Chapel in Hemet, CA decided to take advantage of the multitude of people who stand out in front of the DMV every morning waiting for it to open. One man from the church began reading from the Bible and it didn't take long for a police officer to show up and arrest him for preaching to a 'captive audience.' Though the method used by the man reading the Bible may be questioned for its effectiveness, it seems the statute cited by the officer may only relate to impeding a business from functioning.

Here's a thought. Maybe if the DMV made even the slightest effort to become more efficient, people wouldn't feel like they had to get there early just to be the 20th person in line. If this man is guilty of preaching to a captive audience, the DMV is guilty of creating that audience.

Via The Blaze:

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