Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trump's Conflicting Views on Reagan

To Donald Trump's credit, he had a meteoric rise among the Tea Party. More than anything else, that rise should tell the establishment what voters want - a candidate who will fight, not a leader who will cry (Boehner). To Trump's detriment, his flirtation with the Tea Party is saying more about the power of the latter. Trump was challenged on his abortion stance and suddenly, he's pro-life. In 2000, he wrote very strongly about his support for universal health care. It now appears Trump has a Reagan problem.

Check out this excerpt from Trump's The Art of the Deal. In particular, pay attention to the last paragraph in which Trump questions Reagan's honesty.

Big h/t to Free Republic for this image.

Contrast that with this interview Trump gave to Sean Hannity last week. Via Townhall.

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