Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Video: Whack Job Leftist Tells Reporter his name is 'Drop Dead'

This is destined to become a classic case study in projection. To set this up, Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray held a press conference to discuss the recently resurrected school voucher program there. As part of the budget deal in Congress, that voucher program was put back in place after reportedly being voted down. Kerry Picket of the Washington Times was on hand to ask Gray some questions after his statement. Soon thereafter, two men standing behind Pickett can be heard talking to her. When she turns the camera around (about the :45 mark), viewers are face to face with two angry leftists. The one on the left has his dander up while telling a very calm Pickett that she is 'obviously hostile and filled with contempt.'

It is this guy's hostility that makes this clip so hysterically funny.

Check it all out at Washington Times.

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