Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Video: Union Protesters Channel Zombies from Night of the Living Dead

I know this came out a few days ago but the more it gestates, the more disturbing it becomes. Perhaps there is not a clearer line of distinction between who's on the side of good and evil in the public union debate in Wisconsin. One side, the left, actually decided to dress up like the zombies in George Romero's 'Living Dead' films as part of some twisted allegoric display. In the films, the zombies were the bad guys who lived on the brains of the living. They would walk around moaning 'Brains, brains, brains!' It's really an indictment of their own position. They're admitting to being lifeless leeches devoid of the ability to think or sustain themselves. One might think that donning the zombie garb and acting out such a script would actually wake some of these people up to what they're actually doing.

Some skulls are just too thick, I guess. What further evidence do you need that our public schools have been brainwashing our children? Get this. They call it their 'eat the rich' campaign.

Via Mediaite:

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