Thursday, April 7, 2011

Video: Woman Bookmarks Qur'an with Bacon, Then Burns

Feel free to call this one, 'Pastor Terry Jones on steroids and in a skirt.' Her name is Ann Barnhardt and she is clearly disgusted with Senator Lindsey Graham's comments about wanting to hold people accountable when they burn a Qur'an. See how many times you count her calling Graham a 'Jackass' as you watch. As our Commander in Afghanistan grovels at the feet of the Islamists, Barnhardt, presumably a private citizen, literally puts herself in danger with this video. To call this woman angry doesn't even come close to describing her. This display might just cause a few burka-sheddings.

Regardless of where you come down on the Qur'an burning issue, the leaders of this country have been behaving like cowards for far too long and once again, it's a woman who steps up.

In Part one, Barnhardt completely and thoroughly shreds Lindsey Graham.

In Part two, Barnhart pulls out a copy of the Qur'an, which is bookmarked with bacon, reads individual passages, rips out the page from which she read it, and then burns the pages individually. This is hard core and makes Terry Jones look like a piker.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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