Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anwar al-Awlaki's Visit to the Pentagon for Lunch in 2002

Anwar al-Awlaki is the Islamic cleric who inspired Nidal Malik Hasan to kill 14 people at Fort Hood. He was born in New Mexico and now operates out of Yemen. In the days after 9/11, he was questioned because of his connection to three of the hijackers. Less than five months later, he was invited and attended a luncheon at the Pentagon. There was a warrant out for his arrest before he fled the country but it was withdrawn by Colorado's U.S. Attorney. al-Awlaki was briefly detained at JFK airport but was allowed to go free after it was discovered the warrant had been withdrawn.

Catherine Herridge at Fox News has been investing this story for many months and it appears there were several government officials who signed off on the Pentagon luncheon.
Fox News obtained new documents through a Freedom of Information Act request as part of a year-long investigation called "Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11." An internal Department of Defense email that announced the event with Awlaki also laid out other details, like a proposed menu including pork, which is prohibited for Muslims. The email states "the chef will create something special for vegetarians."

The documents show that more than 70 people were copied on the invitation, which originated in the Defense Department’s Office of the General Counsel. It is home to the Pentagon's top lawyer.

"I have reserved one of the executive dining rooms for February 5th, which is the date he (Awlaki) preferred," a defense department lawyer wrote in the e-mail announcing the event.

"He (Awlaki) will be leaving for an extensive period of time on February 11th."

The e-mail states that New Mexico born al-Awlaki was the featured guest speaker on “Islam and Middle Eastern Politics and Culture."

The Defense Department lawyer who vetted the imam wrote that she "had the privilege of hearing one of Mr. Awlaki's presentations in November and was impressed by both the extent of his knowledge and by how he communicated that information and handled a hostile element in the audience."
Nefarious Islamic operatives and duped sympathizers have infiltrated the highest levels of our federal government. There really is no doubt about that at this point.

al-Awlaki was also once a president of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at Colorado State University. Yet further evidence that the MSA and al-Qaeda both roll up under the Muslim Brotherhood - as if you needed further evidence.

Here's a short promo from a Fox News expose' about this scandal:

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