Sunday, May 22, 2011

VIdeo: Are you Ready for the 'Cain Doctrine?'

The 'Cain Train' will be an energized bunch for sure. Former Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain announced his 2012 candidacy for President in Atlanta at Centennial Park and he has tapped into the Tea Party fervor in much the same way that Sarah Palin energized the conservative base back in 2008. If not for her, John McCain would have been lucky to show better than Walter Mondale in 1984. The RINO herd is thinning (Mitch Daniels is the latest to fall) in large part because they know they can't offer what the Tea Party demands. It's an educated and very powerful voting bloc. RINOs like Huckabee and Daniels have figured out that it's a group that can't be fooled; Newt is taking his sweet time figuring it out but he'll get there.

Here is Cain with Neil Cavuto one day prior to his announcement via Pundit Press:

Here is Cain's speech in Atlanta. It's long but worth the watch. Via The Blaze:

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