Saturday, May 14, 2011

Arizona Community Fuming over Obama's 'Moat' Joke

As Obama was campaigning for hispanic votes in El Paso, he mocked those who want him to clamp down on illegal immigration by suggesting that they wouldn't even be satisfied with a moat filled with alligators. There are some citizens in an Arizona community who are spitting mad over this, not only because they sit it as ridicule in response to their very real concerns; they are already very angry because they believe illegal aliens are responsible for a wild fire that is ravaging their countryside. The residents of the area are circulating a petition they hope will end up on Obama's desk.

Via Fox Nation:
The residents of the Chiricahua-Peloncillo drug and human smuggling corridor that runs from the Mexican border north through eastern Arizona and western New Mexico are circulating a petition to send to the White House in response to President Obama's recent immigration speech.

"It is with great wonderment and sadness that we listened to your May 10 speech on immigration issues. All of the joking about moats and alligators cut residents of Portal, AZ, to the core as we sheltered with friends or at a Red Cross evacuation site, to survive a terrible fire that still threatens our lives and property, as well as our ecotourism-based economy," the letter reads.

On Sunday, a massive fire broke out in Horseshoe Canyon, about 50 miles north of the Mexican border, which residents and law enforcement say they believe was started by criminal illegal aliens. Last year, a fire in the same location caused more than $10 million in damages.

"During its first 24-hrs, the fire consumed a greater area than did last year's fire over a 6-week period. Local residents were roused after midnight, and some slept fitfully in cars after fleeing with family photos and any valuables that could be quickly assembled. Elderly retirees left with medical supplies, including oxygen tanks on which some depend," the letter reads.

The petition comes just days after Obama appeared in El Paso, Texas, to plead the case for immigration reform that has been bottled up in Congress for years. During his remarks, the president argued that the border is as safe as it has ever been but Republican opportunists are using the issue to score political points and prevent legal reforms to address illegal immigration.

"We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement. All the stuff they asked for, we've done," the president said.
"But even though we've answered these concerns, I've got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Or now they're going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol. Or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied," he continued.
Whether it's having a cop killer sympathizer at the White House or mocking American citizens, Barack Obama continues to poke his opponents in the chest.

Read it all.

Here is the Sheriff of the county where the fire set by illegals was started. Sheriff Larry Dever appeared on the O'Reilly Factor and gives viewers an up close look at what's really going on.

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