Saturday, May 14, 2011

Video: Institutional and Willful Media Ignorance

American Airlines Flight 1561 was about to land in San Francisco when a Yemeni passenger named Rageh Ahmed Mohammed al-Murisi ran toward the front of the plane yelling 'Allahu Akbar' and began pounding on the cockpit door while continuing to scream the Arabic phrase. Multiple passengers reported this and were convinced al-Murisi was intending to do harm. Yet, on news reports all over the country, what the man shouted was quite conspicuously left out. Some also reported that no motive was determined.

Watch this montage of news reports that show ten separate news reports from stations whose news directors should be fired. The first report is from a local San Francisco affiliate and gives the facts. The reports that follow are simply derelict in their duty to report the truth.

h/t Michelle Malkin

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