Sunday, May 15, 2011

BOMBSHELL: Did MSNBC Unwittingly Reveal Gunwalker Smoking Gun?

Mike Vanderboegh is definitely one of the top five people causing the ATF, the DOJ, and the Obama administration severe headaches by what he's been uncovering relative to the Project Gunrunner scandal. However, his most recent find comes courtesy of none other than MSNBC's Michael Isakoff, who wrote an article in September of 2010 about the ATF's response to a report in the works by the DOJ's Office of Inspector General, which had been mildly critical of the ATF's tactics with respect to Project Gunrunner.

In the body of Isakoff's article, he linked to a pdf leaked to him ostensibly by the ATF. Vanderboegh refers to the pdf as the 'official ATF field manual of the Gunwalker scandal.'

HERE is a link to the PDF, said to be authored by Mark Chait, ATF’s assistant director in charge of field operations. If true, it means Chait may be left with no more than two options: either take the fall for being the author of this program or start singing. The document is a lot of reading but definitely worth it.

Via Sipsey Street Irregulars:
I covered this story at the time but missed the vital connection. I rightly ridiculed the idea that Chait had come up with this idea in September 2010 when the project had been going on for at least a year prior to that. But we can conclude from Chait's mea culpa statement that he was the author of this report, or, at least, it was produced by his office at ATF. Still, as we will see, this report does not mark the beginning of the policy change that led to the Project Gunwalker scandal, but rather is a policy document, something on the order of a U.S. Army field manual, of lessons learned in the previous year and a half.)
I can't do justice to Vanderboegh's findings in this post so please READ THE WHOLE THING. Here is what he says this find means:
It is ironic in the extreme that a report released for the short-term goal of deflecting what in the final analysis was minor criticism from the DOJ's Office of Inspector General will, I believe, prove to be the Gunwalker coverup artists' ultimate downfall. For this report is THE "outline for Gunwalker hearing questions."

Project Gunrunner existed before the Obama administration took power. But the executive summary of this internal report makes plain why and when Gunrunner became Gunwalker.
This scandal is on the cusp of exploding.


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