Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nakba Day: Israel's Birthday is Cause for Muslim Anger

Israel was granted statehood 63 years ago today. It's a time of celebration, right? Well, if you're Israel it is. If you're part of the hate Israel crowd, it's a time for bitter anger. As part of the inaptly named 'Arab Spring,' Egypt's Hamas-loving populace is celebrating by demonstrating its hatred for Israel through angry protests. 'Nakba Day' is translated to mean the 'Great catastrophe' that is Israel. Angry mobs have been forming on Israel's northern and southern borders. So far, there have been four deaths along the Syrian border:

Via Ynet:
Four people were killed and dozens were hurt on Israel's northern border Sunday after Syrian infiltrators marking 'Nakba Day' trampled the border fence and were shot by IDF forces.

Magen David Adom emergency services said 13 people were lightly wounded on Israel's side of the border near the Druze village of Majdal Shams, including 10 IDF soldiers.

The wounded Israeli troops, who were hurt by stones hurled at them, include the Golan Brigade Commander, Colonel Eshkol Shukrun, who continued to supervise his forces despite his injury.
Haaretz is reporting that Iran is behind the Syrian border protests:
The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday accused Iran of orchestrating two waves of fighting along its northern borders, as Palestinian protesters tried to infiltrate from Syria and Lebanon during demonstrations to mark Nakba Day, which commemorates the "catastrophe" of the creation of the State of Israel.

At least eight people were reportedly killed on the two frontiers, when IDF troops opened fire on masses of protesters attempting to infiltrate into Israel. The protests, IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Yoav Mordechai said, bore Iran's "fingerprints."

"We are seeing here an Iranian provocation, on both the Syrian and the Lebanese frontiers, to try to exploit the Nakba day commemorations," he said.
I seem to remember it being not to long ago when Israel had been entertaining the notion of giving back the Golan Heights to Syria. In retrospect - and by using common sense then and now - that would have been a disaster.

h/t Hot Air

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