Friday, May 6, 2011

Darrell Issa comes Very Close to Calling Eric Holder a Liar

Rep. Darrell Issa's website has posted some pretty strong words directed at Eric Holder after the latter testified at a House Judiciary committee hearing about the Project Gunrunner scandal. Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, grilled Holder while sitting on the Judiciary Committee and is obviously not satisfied with the responses he got from Holder, whose testimony was suspect on several levels. He denied knowing about Operation Fast and Furious until just 'a few weeks' ago and would not answer questions relative to who authorized the program.

The title of the post at the Oversight & Government Reform website is titled: 'What Attorney General Holder Won't Tell on Controversial Gun Operation, Documents Do'

From Issa's website:
At a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa confronted Attorney General Eric Holder on the DOJ’s Operation Fast and Furious, a highly controversial operation where federal authorities facilitated the purchase of assault weapons for drug cartels and chose not to interdict them before being transported to Mexico.

While Attorney General Holder was unwilling to provide answer about who at the Department of Justice authorized, knew about, and even whether he still defended Operation Fast and Furious, three new documents provide information that Attorney General Holder did not address in response to questions posed by Rep. Issa.
Two of those documents are memos from early 2010 that implicate Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer and US Attorney in Arizona Dennis Burke as being well aware of the operation that killed two American border agents and an untold number of innocent Mexican civilians.

Read it all.

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