Saturday, May 7, 2011

Audio: Grassley Interviewed by WLS Radio in Chicago on Gunwalker Scandal

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) is surprisingly candid in this interview with Don Wade & Roma on WLS 890 in Chicago. Based on what he was willing to say so confidently, he very likely knows far more than what's been reported to this point. When asked where the Project Gunrunner scandal is going to lead, he said it will lead to a lot of embarrassment for Holder and Obama. He also invoked Watergate and drew similar parallels. Perhaps the most telling portion of this exchange is when Grassley tells the host that he is clandestinely receiving documents and sending them to Holder after asking for not receiving those documents from Holder.

Via WLS 890:

CLICK HERE for the audio.

h/t Sipsey Street Irregulars

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