Monday, May 9, 2011

Is 'Son of Hamas' a Hamas Plant?

Some disturbing facts are coming out about an alleged Christian convert from Islam, Mosab Hasan Yousef, the author of 'Son of Hamas' who made the talk show circuit last year. Mosab did several very high profile interviews about his 'conversion' from Islam to Christianity. Making the story even more appealing was that his father was a founder of the terror group, Hamas. Mosab was ostensibly in much greater danger as a result. He was heralded as being very courageous as he went from church to church in America to give his 'testimony.'

Not so fast. Former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) - Walid Shoebat - has translated Mosab's Arabic into English and insists that these speeches Mosab is giving inside churches are intended to turn those churches away from Israel, a nation Mosab declares as the enemy when speaking Arabic.

The attached screen shot is from a recent interview Mosab gave to an Arabic television program. Take note of what he is wearing around his neck; it is a kaffiyeh and it is a symbol of an extremely strong solidarity with the pro-Palestinian agenda. It likely was intended to communicate to the Arab world that Mosab is still on their side. The following is one of multiple examples of Mosab's Arabic translated into English by Shoebat:
During my tours in universities and even churches, [I found] the real support for Israel stems from the church in the West. … We need to understand the difference between “revenge” and “resistance” and once the Palestinians do, we will have our victory against Israel.
Click HERE for audio - with subtitles - of Mosab advising people not to report any terrorist threats to Israeli officials but instead to the Palestinian Authority only.

Read Shoebat's entire column HERE.

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