Monday, May 9, 2011

Osama Bin Laden and Saul Alinsky not that Far Apart

One similarity both Osama Bin Laden and Saul Alinsky share is that both are now dead. Another similarity appears to have been very similar tactics. In the case of uncle Saul - the father of Community Organizing - those tactics began with a very simple premise; exploit the poor and downtrodden by rubbing raw the sores of discontent. This is the mentality that helped give birth to ACORN. It promoted friction and strife along racial and economic lines. It's very well-documented. The class warfare that's taking place right now is being exacerbated by Barack Obama, the Community Organizer in chief and his administration.

Fast forward to Bin Laden's death and the confiscation of his hard drives. Much of the information found on those computers shows that Bin Laden employed the same tactics.

Via ABC News:
Osama bin Laden aspired to damage the United States not only through persistent terror attacks, but also by attempting to inflame race and class tensions in hopes of tearing down the country from the inside out, according to officials briefed on the evidence trove recovered from the al Qaeda leader's Pakistan compound.

According to materials in the cache of documents recovered in the U.S. Navy SEAL raid that brought down the terror leader, bin Laden planned to specifically recruit African-American Muslim converts to carry out attacks on the homeland. The goal was to not only kill and maim in the actual operations, but to create a divisiveness that would cause more damage than al Qaeda could ever hope to do on their own.

"Because there were many blacks in the U.S., he wanted to capitalize on them to further the jihadi cause," one U.S. official told ABC News. "Al Qaeda sees the black convert community as ripe for recruiting."

While it has long been known that radical preachers and some prison imams have targeted the convert community for jihad recruitment, the references show core al Qaeda's keen interest in the tactic.
Another very telling aspect to this is that CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper is now in denial mode over these claims.

Read it all.

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