Sunday, May 29, 2011

Using Math to Prove Obama Scandal is Inevitable

Is there a way to predict successfully whether or not the Barack Obama administration is destined to be mired in a huge scandal, regardless of the sycophantic media? As much as the latter is an 'X' factor because we've never witnessed a media so collectively in the tank for any president before, the numbers - according a mathematical scholar named Brendan Nyhan - indicate that a significant scandal is about to befall the administration.

Via the Daily Mail:
President Obama's administration is set to be rocked by scandal - at least, according to one political scientist's mathematical formula.

A newly-released report by scholar Brendan Nyhan predicts the reputation of the 44th U.S. president will soon be marred by controversy.

Where Are the Obama Scandals? calls the odds of scandal 'high and rising' after two years in office, based on his interpretation of data from presidential scandals between 1977 and 2008.
In fact, according to Nyhan, the odds of a major scandal hitting the administration increase to between 95% - 100% between now and one year from now:
Serving as a guest columnist, he presented detailed graphs illustrating the likelihood of a scandal to unfold before the 2012 presidential election - rising between 95 and 100 per cent by June of next year.

Nyhan defines scandal as the 'elite perception of misbehavior whose occurrence is also influenced by political and media context'.

The report reads: 'Obama has been extremely fortunate: My research on presidential scandals shows that few presidents avoid scandal for as long as he has.'

He tested his hypotheses on scandal coverage data from Washington Post news reports and chronologies of presidential events covered by the New York Times.
By far and away, the biggest scandal percolating beneath the surface is the one involving Project Gunrunner. All signs are pointing to it being Watergate with Murder.

Sipsey Street reports that Issa may start hearings on June 13th.

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