Sunday, May 29, 2011

Video: Bernadine Dohrn wants 'Arab Spring' in America

Bernadine Dohrn, the infamous female face of the Weather Underground gave an interview to Russian Television and embraced what she perceived as the fall of American capitalism and hopes to see an uprising in America similar to what's going on in the Middle East. She also referred to the United States as a 'Terrorist' country (apparently she is not one her mind). Perhaps the most telling words out of her mouth were the ones that showed complete and total ignorance of the Muslim Brotherhood's goals.

Dohrn insisted that the United States went into Libya over oil and stayed out of Bahrain for the same reason. Lost on her is that Bahrain's uprising was Shiite while the Muslim Brotherhood uprisings that took place in Egypt, Tunisia, and now Libya are all Sunni. If she believes the tripe about the U.S. going into Libya over oil, it demonstrates her ignorance of the true intentions of the Brotherhood.

Via The Blaze:

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