Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video: Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder says Bin Laden Killing 'anti-Islamic'

Tariq Ramadan is the grandson of Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood - the same violently anti-semitc Muslim Brotherhood that has seized control of Egypt. While appearing on Australian Television for an interview with Tony Jones after the news of Bin Laden's killing, Ramadan was asked what he thought of the decision to kill, not capture Bin Laden. If you accept the fact that al-Qaeda and the Brotherhood share the exact same goal but differ on means, Ramadan's answer makes complete and total sense.

Click HERE to watch the interview.

Via Lateline:
TONY JONES: What was your first reaction to the news that Osama bin Laden had finally been tracked down and killed?

TARIQ RAMADAN: You know, once again, just a week after what happened, I was in New York, and I condemn what happened. I think that this is completely against the Islamic value - and I said it: it's anti-Islamic.
At another point in the interview, Jones asked Ramadan if he accepted as fact that Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Ramadan should have stopped after his first four words but apparently just couldn't resist:
TARIQ RAMADAN: Yes. I accept that. I don't have a - you know, between the conspiracy theory on one side and everything it should be clear on the other side, in between still there are lots of questions. There was no independent, you know, inquiry about what happened, and still now there are questions to be raised.

By the way, Ramadan was once banned from entering the United States, based on his affiliations. That ban was lifted in 2010, courtesy of Hillary Clinton's pen. The truth is that al-Qaeda was spawned from the Muslim Brotherhood in much the same way that the Weather Underground was spawned from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

h/t Weasel Zippers

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